


The physical phenomenon through which a solid holds gaseous or fluid molecules by way of intermolecular bonds.


The injection of gas into liquid for the benefits that it provides through interaction (bubbling).

Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestors

Vessels with controlled amounts of atmospheric air that encourage the growth of bacteria for an intended use.

Altitude Chambers

Chambers where ambient pressure is manipulated in order to continuously simulate different elevations on the planet.

Autoclaves and Steam Sterilization

Vessels that make use of sanitation methods and pressure manipulation in order to sterilize reusable tools.

Bag Lamination and Pressing

The compressive coalescence of various materials in order to achieve a desired physical characteristic within the combination of materials.

Barge Loading

The displacement of bulk goods onto and off of barges in maritime transport.


The process by which non-gaseous material is often cut and mixed in order to create a uniform consistency in a given product.

Clean Room Pressurizing and Evacuating

A room in which the manipulation of ambient pressure reduces risk of contamination or bacterial proliferation.

CNC Routing Table

The apparatus which is used to hold and machine a workpiece, as well as to dispose of shavings.

Coating, Deposition, and Metallizing

The atomization and uniform distribution of a material over another to lay an outermost layer that exhibits the desired physical or chemical properties.

Condenser Priming

The process by which a piece of equipment is used to create optimal conditions for a condenser to function within expected, calculated, or otherwise desired parameters.


The process by which broken materials that exhibit crystalline lattices are slowly rebuilt to create crystals of controlled size and purity.

Cutting and Perforation

The incision of material in controlled manner or pattern according to the intended design of the end product.

Cyclotron Evacuation

The removal of air from the chamber of a cyclotron to prevent interference and molecular collision during operation.

Deaeration, Degassing, and Defoaming

The removal of gas from material to prevent the detriment that the gas effects to the end product.

Dewatering, Drying, and Evaporation

The controlled manipulation of the liquid-to-gas phase change that yields the desired consequence.

Distillation and Fractionation

The process by which a liquid or slurry mixture is separated via evaporation using selective membranes of calculated pore diameter.

Dust Collection

The process by which airborne particles are removed to prevent the detriment that they cause within the context of a given application.

Enhanced Oil Recovery

The process by which the overall yield of an oil refining procedure is increased.


The removal of bodily fluids and undesirable body parts from livestock such as poultry in preparation for food processing.

Farm Equipment

Equipment that is developed to further the speed, yield, and quantity of the products of the agricultural sector.

Filtration and Separation

The partition of molecules of dissimilar physical properties through chemi-physical means.

Flue Gas Desulfurization

The removal of sulfurous compounds from the waste byproduct that emanates from combustion plants.


The process by which fuel and air is mixed in a calculated proportion optimized for combustion, which further aids in an operation of larger scope.

Fly Ash Conveying

The prearranged displacement of the fine particulate waste of combustion from pulverized coal towards the objectives of recycle or ecologically minded disposal.

Fogging and Humidifying

The process of spraying fine mist into an area to yield a specific intended effect, such as deodorizing or sanitizing.

Forming and Thermoforming

The heating and shaping of malleable building materials such as plastics via a mold.

Furnaces and Ovens

Heating elements that are used to change the physical properties of a product.

Gas Recovery and Conveying

The process by which byproduct, waste, and lost gasses are recollected, displaced, and stored through an engineered system to be reused, recycled, or disposed of in accordance with environmental law.

General Handling and Conveying

The method by which product is held and moved downstream in bulk conveying or pick-and-place procedures.

Heat Treatment (Vacuum Induction Melting)

The process by which metal is heated and exposed to various alterations in order to yield the industry-specific physical and chemical traits that are expected of the end product.

Holding and Chucking

Maintaining the position of a material that it may be properly processed or conveyed in a larger manufacturing operation.

Kettle Exhausting

The process by which a resin reaction kettle is rid of gaseous contaminants or hindrances that cause detriment to the yield of the kettle.

Lyophilization and Sublimation

The manipulation (specifically, drying) of a material such that its moisture content becomes solid and is promptly sublimated without chance to enter back into liquid phase.

Material Impregnation

The permeation of a resin or other chemical agent throughout a building material such that it exhibits the desired physical characteristics or resistances.

Membrane Pervaporation

The evaporation of a target material such that it is led to selectively permeate through a membrane, resulting in a higher purity yield of said material.


The extraction of white liquid food product produced by the mammary glands of livestock for processing and distribution.

Mineral Analysis

The sampling of existing earth material in a location that is being considered for mining. This sample is analyzed to determine which minerals are present and, by extension, what kind of equipment and labor is required for the mining operation.


The wrapping or covering of a product to enclose and protect it for distribution, storage, sale, and use.


The break-down of lignin bonds between cellulose bonds of plant matter for use in manufacturing products such as medical products, construction materials, food packaging, LCD screens, renewable fuels, and paper.

Pumping System

A system that is installed in a boat to remove excess water from the bilge and waste generated.


The process by which a calculated amount of chemical is caused to interact with another calculated amount of chemical such that a desired product is created.

Refrigeration and Cooling

The decreasing of the temperature of a given apparatus to extract heat energy from a material or product.

Steam Recompression

The pressurization of used steam such that waste heat can be recycled to improve the efficiency of an energy system.

Steam Turbine Gland Priming

The initial drawing of steam through the gland system of a steam turbine such that it is able to properly direct steam towards the engineered path, reducing heat losses and increasing efficiency.

Stripping and Cracking

The process in which a medium is used to extract or break down a given material in such a way that the remains may be used in further refining towards a desired end product.

Vacuum-Assisted Closure

The closing and healing of an open wound using vacuum.

Ventilation and Evacuation

The forced removal or circulation of air from a fixed volume of space.

Wind Tunnel

An enclosed space that is set up and used to simulate and study the various interactions of air with a given object. This is often used for aerodynamics testing.